Here are my Maths ones so far:
Both of these maths resources can be customised by adding your own categories or images and you can alter the scale on the y-axis depending on your results.
I added a grid on both of the graphs to help the children (Yr1) to keep their data in line. My original worksheet didn't have this and we ended up with columns going all over the place!! :)
Both of these maths resources can be customised by adding your own categories or images and you can alter the scale on the y-axis depending on your results.
I added a grid on both of the graphs to help the children (Yr1) to keep their data in line. My original worksheet didn't have this and we ended up with columns going all over the place!! :)
Block charts
If you want to be more creative when using pictograms with your class you could get them to cut out pictures rather then drawing them. This is obviously more time consuming but develops their fine motor skills at the same time!
If you want to be more creative when using pictograms with your class you could get them to cut out pictures rather then drawing them. This is obviously more time consuming but develops their fine motor skills at the same time!
I hope you like them! If you would like any similar resources made please give me a shout!
Student Teacher