Well it was my penultimate day at placement today and I have to say I am very ready for half term!! I got my placement results today and as I am in reception tomorrow and therefore have no teaching to plan for, I have actually got a quite night on my hands - which is unusual!!
I have got loads to tell you and loads of links to share but I think i'll wait until the weekend and post them all then! but too keep you busy here are a few really good Q Standards sites I've been using over the past few weeks to get my files ready for my end of placement report.
Bath Uni Example QTS Evidence Table - Really useful info about what to put under each Q standard in your evidence log.
Teacher's Media - Becoming Outstanding - some really good ideas and advice.
Letters and Sounds Details - Nicely laid out progression through the stages.
Attainment Level Tool Kits - Really cool level cards - I've made them into reference fans.
So that's all for now, see you all on Saturday for more links and tips!
Have a lovely evening!
Student Teacher
Useful links. You deserve your half term break!