Wednesday, 21 December 2011

AfL's Biggest Fan!

Yay!!! I passed all three of my QTS tests on Monday! Such a relief to get them out of the way. I honestly thought I had failed the Numeracy one but must have got through by the skin of my teeth!

However, there's no rest for the wicked! I'm just sat here catching  on some reading from last term. One article is on Traveller Children and the other Assessment for Learning (AfL).

I am officially AfL's biggest fan! Last week a few of my course mates and I went to observe at a school which does AfL and Cutaway amazingly! I took away some really great ideas I would love to say that it's going to transform my next placement class. Unfortunately, i'm not 100% convinced that my class could handle it. I have a feeling it takes some training to get the children as efficient as they were at the observation school and I'm not sure 5 weeks is enough....but i'll give it a go!

Well I should stop procrastinating and get back to reading!

Have a lovely day,

Student Teacher

Saturday, 17 December 2011

QTS Tests

Have any of you done your QTS tests yet? Mine are on Monday so am just cramming in some last minute revision this weekend. Passed both the Literacy and ICT practice tests this morning but putting the Maths one off until later!!

My uni haven't been particularly helpful in preparing us so I organised some Maths sessions with a few people from my group. Only a couple of my friends have taken theirs so far, one passed all three, another failed Maths by 2 marks and the third failed ICT by 1 mark!!!

We were discussing that it seems a bit unfair that you don't actually get to find out how well you did if you passed but when you fail you get told how much you failed by??? Never mind, i guess we don't really need to know!

Well I hope you all enjoy your well deserved Christmas holidays!

Wish me luck for Monday's tests!!

Take Care,

Student Teacher

Friday, 16 December 2011

Christmas Holidays!!!

We'll that's the first term over and done with!!

You would think that they would have let us have a nice relaxing break??? You thought wrong...we have been given all of the details for our second assignment and have our second Placement 2 weeks into next rest for the wicked!

To be honest I have found this stint at uni quite dull but I can't say I'm looking forward to going back to placement though. Let's just say my class teacher doesn't really do anything the way I would do it, for example planning at 5.30 for the following day!!
Anyways, I have a plan of action in place and my fingers are firmly crossed for a less stressful second placement!

Well I have exactly 5 days before I'm off to Centre Parcs on holiday so I think its time to plough through all this work!!

Take Care,

Student Teacher

Monday, 5 December 2011

More Maths Resources

Just a quick one to show you a new resource!

Seaside themed flash cards which can also be used for bingo.

They cover number bonds up to 20 and can be used for both KS1 and KS2.

Check out the TES link to the left for the full set!!

Have a good evening!

Student Teacher

Some really good planning websites!

One of my amazing teacher friends pointed me in the direction of these really useful websites to help we when planning my maths lessons.

Planning from the National Numeracy Strategy - Loads and loads of stuff arranged by unit and year group!

Maths Planning - similar style, sorted into units and then into year groups.

She also showed me this website to help me with attainment levels.

Tool-Kits - Toolkits for Mathematics, Reading and Writing which each have different Levels matched to the National Curriculum levels

I hope you find them as useful as I do!

Student Teacher

Saturday, 3 December 2011

PSHE Resources

During my first placement one of my directed activities was to plan and deliver a "Health Day". I decided to base mine on healthy eating and to get the children to have an awareness of what they should have in their lunchboxes in order to make them healthy!

We did a range of activities including designing your own healthy lunch box.

If you check out my resources on TES (see link to the left) you can download all of the resources I post on here and loads more.

Student Teacher