Thursday, 5 January 2012

Christmas, Jobs and Placement Part 2

Happy new year everyone! 

I hope that you all had a lovely Christmas break! I had the pleasure of going to Center Parcs for half of the holidays which was amazing!

We went back to uni on Wednesday and have had two solid days of various bits and bobs. Today we had a lecture about applying for jobs...scary scary. I already have have links to both my city council and county council jobs pages on my bookmark bar!!

Other good places to look for jobs are TES and eTeach but I've not got round to searching there yet. Usually jobs don't tend to come out until after Feb half term!

If that fails...there's always google...

Placement 1 part 2 starts on Monday so I'm frantically trying to get organised so I don't have a panic like last time! Unfortunately I have no idea what my class are learning at the moment as the teacher hasn't sent over the weekly plans...despite various emails! But never mind, it might be nice to have the Monday to just settle back in!

Right, in true teacher fashion I'm off to the Best Buy closing down sale to see if I can pick up anything useful!

Take Care,

Student Teacher

1 comment:

  1. I'm off to the Best Buy closing down sale to see if I can pick up anything useful!

    Do you buy any clotingf online?
